*added* option of changing filename when changing a song title
*modified* improvements in un/pausing accuracy in long files
*modified* made playback start more robust
*modified* improvements in workaround for WMP duration bug - loads files faster
*modified* increased size of sliders
*fixed* improvements in playback of files not 100% supported by WMP
*fixed* cleaning up comment fields left by other programs
*fixed* minimising main window when batch dialog was showing
*fixed* check for leaving important fields empty
*added* Find All now reports number of songs found
*added* menu Edit->Find next checked
*added* doubled the sensitivity of the play rate setting
*added* append will now report how many songs were added
*added* new faster file icon loading algorithm
*added* changed to WMP9 series playback engine
*added* ID3v2 support & related options
*added* the first time Carlanthano is run, will offer to add files to playlist
*added* movie window will display file resolution
*added* in files over 10min long - back/forward buttons skip 10s
*added* keyboard shortcuts added to movie window
*added* track field
*modified* default album extension is now .carlan due to high number of programs wishing to use .alb
*modified* volume popup behaviour 'lighter'
*modified* list of recognised files relating to WMP9
*modified* file extension matching for lyrics more exacting
*modified* various improvements in movie window
*modified* increased slider detail
*fixed* play rate will no longer reset itself each time the window is opened
*fixed* deleting a song will close the song information window
*fixed* songs with invalid genres will be reset to (none)
*fixed* closing album will not be allowed if there are unsaved changes in the song information window
*fixed* problems pausing when only one file is in the playist
*added* files can be dragged from the playlist to other programs
*added* keyboard shortcuts customisation
*added* drastically improved speed and memory usage in searching for files
*added* improved speed of loading files for large files
*added* improvements in base support DLLs
*modified* changes in help menu
*modified* updated tips
*modified* removed reference to old album convertor
*modified* improvements in scheduler code
*modified* time display now marks days with a 'd' instead of a ':' for readability
*fixed* file sizes of locked files
*fixed* file icons on non English locales
*fixed* European locale problems with decimal separators (.)
*fixed* Unicode enabled OS locale problem
4.1.1546 Interim Release
*added* option to not clear history when changing playmodes
*added* messages showing counts in mark and remove menus
*added* move files window will remember source folder
*added* 12hr clock in scheduler
*added* volume setting in song info
*modified* improved context sensitive help file response in options window
*modified* when loading a file, song will start playing as soon as list is loaded, and before tasks such as removing dupes and setting screen options
*modified* appending an album will keep the old program and custom mix
*modified* new ways of dealing with some damaged files which would not end properly
*modified* improvement in speed of adding songs to list
*fixed* sometimes appending albums with relative paths would result in the incorrect paths added to it
*fixed* playstate overlays were not been updated in some specific circumstances
*fixed* caps checking function was misbehaving for some Eastern languages
*fixed* problem with some CD tracks and advanced song options
*fixed* splitter minimum increased for program window
*added* Edit->Go to next
*added* splitter bars
*added* Play->set play rate
*added* advanced song options
*modified* Others font now takes effect immediately
*modified* Control menu renamed to Play menu
*modified* improved CPU usage during playback
*modified* volume popup will appear on top of other windows
*fixed* next song marker will be removed when song is deleted
*added* support for file sizes over 4GB
*added* drag-drop files into song info window
*added* smaller marker to show next song
*added* save backup album option
*modified* file icons will be updated when the paths are changed
*modified* sort submenus moved up a level for easier access
*modified* initial focus code
*modified* nonexistent files will be removed from the recent files menu on exit
*fixed* detects some new types of errors opening files
3.9.1403 Interim Release
*added* video windows won't be resized/moved when dealing with the same file
*added* option for video windows to be on top only
*added* busy cursor shown in song info windows
*added* increased number of categories to 16
*modified* improved speed and efficiency of file searching algorithm
*added* currently playing file will have a green playstate indicators
*added* marker to show currently playing file
*added* compressed html help file
*added* context sensitive help - select a control and press F1
*modified* error playing indicators are saved in the album
*modified* 'X' button in information windows will act like the close button
*modified* close button in information window now has Yes/No/Cancel options
*modified* program step is now saved with the album
*modified* fonts will be preselected in the choose fonts dialog
*fixed* the options window would restore the main window even when the console elements weren't changed
*added* files that could not be played will have a red arrow indicator
*modified* if Carlanthano was maximised before hidden to the tray, it will be maximised again when it is restored
*modified* Back and Forward move smaller distances for better control
*modified* made volume control easier to click
*modified* using XP style buttons now
*modified* changed icon for missing files to a '?'
*fixed* sometimes when closing windows Carlanthano would not shut down
*fixed* Workaround added - WinXP would cause items inside frames to flicker when the mouse moved over it
*added* increased number of categories to 12
*added* secondary sort option in Tools->Sort
*added* sort menus show a checkmark next to sorted item
*added* 'others' font option affecting things like the song info window - useful for viewing other languages
*added* warning msg if opening a read-only file
*added* video settings options
*added* option to change systray icon
*modified* raised max song separation to 20
*modified* when sorting columns, the selected item will remain in view
*modified* faster loading of edit programs window
*modified* total time will now show days if over 24hrs
*modified* when starting play in program mode, will check if playing song is 1st programmed song
*modified* empty category names are no longer allowed
*modified* modified internals to improve performance
*modified* KanastaCorpComCtrls.dll updated to improve support for Eastern languages
*modified* licenses changed to work in Eastern language environments
*fixed* used to not like saved albums with no songs in it
*fixed* some small usability improvements
*fixed* KanastaCorpComCtrls.dll updated to fix problems when saving window size and changing window border widths in the control panel
*fixed* if the song info window was open and the user changed the order in the playlist, the song was being saved to the wrong number
*fixed* if import was cancelled, the main window would be disabled
*added* registration window and registration info in the about window
*added* new media subtypes for add folder window and add dialog
*added* custom mix and program windows will show changes to items immediately when they are changed
*modified* minor interface changes
*modified* using new KUtils.dll version - changed name to KanastaCorpUtils.dll
*modified* using new KanastaCorpComCtrls.dll
*fixed* if lyrics window cannot be closed, the album will not be closed
*fixed* a rare problem with choosing the next song in shuffle mode
*fixed* file icons were offset by 1
3.4.1160 Beta Release
*added* Revert button to song information window
*added* Clear button to find song window
*added* category column to playlist
*added* Hot tracking color to Options->Colors
*modified* systray icon will fix itself if explorer crashes
*modified* when changing modes, the set next song will be erased
*modified* updates to windows positioning
*fixed* problem opening albums when in compact mode
*fixed* minor interface fixes
*added* Options->Advanced for changing Carlanthano's priority
*added* Tools->Get all song lengths
*added* html support in lyrics window
*added* Shift-Ctrl-C and Shift-Ctrl-V to save a second set of positions
*added* song and lyrics will be saved as relative paths in albums
*added* ID3 menu to Batch edit song information window for saving/reading ID3 tags to many songs at once
*added* a * is displayed in the window title if the album has been changed since the last save
*modified* some optimisations to the scheduler
*modified* when playing is finished the song position will be rewound to the start
*modified* moved Tools->Edit program/mix to Edit menu
*modified* updated tips & hints
*modified* Options->Lyrics for html support
*modified* window and menus are disabled while performing long tasks and while albums are loading
*modified* window will be brought back to the front when opening a new instance
*modified* enlarged the font on song info window
*fixed* made windows more responsive while doing long tasks
*fixed* some drag drop problems with folders
*fixed* set as next song was not working at times if the song is the one playing
*fixed* several minor bug fixes
*fixed* Tools->Move files if chosen file was playing or destination file existed
*fixed* number of playing song on the console was sometimes incorrect if you add songs before it in the playlist
*fixed* save will not fail if the album resides on a read only disk such as a CD
*added* No sort option on all lists in Carlanthano
*added* move up/down menu item to playlist popup menu
*added* keyboard shortcuts / and * for moving items up and down
*added* added case checking option in Options->Behaviour
*added* option to control whether Carlanthano is hidden from the taskbar when minimized
*added* new effects using Shift and Ctrl keys when dropping files or albums into the playlist
*added* option to keep lyrics window on top alone
*added* Carlanthano now makes a backup of an album before saving. These backups have an extension of bak and are hidden.
*added* Tools->Move files
*added* option to have the album name in the printout heading
*added* windows now snap to each other as well
*added* multiple monitor support
*added* Tools->Remove->Physically delete selected will now ask whether to also delete any folders left empty
*modified* changed accelerator key for Tools->Scheduler to remove conflict with Tools->Sort
*modified* list columns will always load with a small width. this is to prevent columns saved as 0 width disappearing and the user not knowing how to get it back
*modified* removed dot option from Options->Behaviour
*modified* removed Import with ordering option
*modified* some changes in subwindows' relation with the main window
*modified* windows will no longer automatically hide checkmarks
*fixed* moving icons in the edit program window
*fixed* stuttering should no longer occur when entering the edit program window on low end computers
*fixed* song info changes was sometimes not saved to the album
*fixed* new album format as workaround to Microsoft bug in writing to files
*modified* several code optimisations leading to a reduction of file size
*modified* when a song cannot be played once Carlanthano will not try to play it again that round
*fixed* Go to current function was sometimes incorrect if a file was trying to segue and had failed
*fixed* some devices were not seguing properly in very rare cases
3.2.970 Beta Release
*added* more options for shuffle mode: separation by artist
*added* Invert checkmarks in Mark menu
*added* use different icons for each file type
*modified* album converter no longer packaged with install. Download from our website if you need it.
*modified* duplicate checking should be much faster now
*modified* removed path column from playlist and program list
*fixed* tweaks with the song separation code
*fixed* opening albums with no songs inside
*fixed* tips opening on startup while main window was minimised
*added* Import with ordering option
*added* Double click to categories and program button on console
*added* Lyrics exist in Mark menu
*added* playlist is now always sorted by Title first
*modified* Carlanthano is no longer supported by ads
*modified* Lyrics window is closed when album is closed
*modified* View->File properties will show an error message if the file does not exist
*fixed* Lyrics window will not close if there was a problem saving
*fixed* bug with removing songs that are in the program mode
*fixed* scan mode not working when segue was set to 0
*fixed* Lyrics window was not remembering where it was sometimes
*fixed* Some albums not opening properly when double clicked in NT
*added* album and file/song directories are remembered separately when using the open/save windows. This will save you navigating between the 2 types of directories where they are kept.
*added* Disable/enable controls option in the tools menu. Disable the controls so that nobody will accidentally press the buttons on the front panel when you are recording, etc.
*added* Use default album option
*added* Carlanthano is now supported by ads
*added* Tools->Scheduler to schedule play start and stops
*modified* Lyrics will now show selected text after you move to another window
*modified* histories are now cleared only if you press stop when the album is already stopped
*fixed* song number is now shown when an album is loaded
*fixed* If you opened an album, toggled the Repeat All or Music Scan mode, then closed the album immediately, the change was not saved. This is now fixed.
*fixed* Carlanthano will no longer crash if you try to print with no printers set up on your system.
*added* Show checkmarks in Mark menu
*modified* repeatedly pressing last then next will now always jump to the same next file
*modified* you can now open both program windows at the same time
*modified* you can now open the find, batch edit, and information windows at the same time
*modified* new optimisation techniques, resulting in lower CPU and resource usage. On our machines, CPU usage dropped about 15% (note this is on the console only, not the playback threads, which are controlled by windows)
*modified* the find, batch edit, and information windows can now go behind the main window
*modified* Carlanthano will call the album converter automatically
2.9.809 Beta Release
*fixed* changing window states when the console is maximised
*added* Custom mix mode
*added* Mark menu
*added* Remove checked menu item
*added* Find All in the find window
*added* batch edit on checked items.
*added* favorites for categories mode
*added* back and forward buttons, changed old buttons to last and next
*added* fonts/colors for printing
*added* optional heading for printouts
*added* page numbers for printouts
*modified* printing will try to keep as many details on one line as possible
For older revision history information, visit our webpage.